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looking for someone that have a Sweet 16 Robust lathe , That I could look at or talk to about that lathe before the aaw symposium ? I am just thing of upgrading my lathe and would like to know the pro and con of that lathe . m
Sorry, just saw your request. I have had one for 6 or 7 years and love it. I use it a lot for all kinds of work and it seems to do everything very well. If you would like more info, please contact me directly at or 503-636-2675.
I have the American Beauty which other than the bed, I assume is the same parts. Other than price, I have no complaints. The one issue I had, I called service and Brent (the owner) answered the phone and answered my question.
Northwest WoodturnersPO Box 1157Lake Oswego, OR 97035
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