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looking to have some cnc machine work, engraving on wood text or call 503-341-2764 my name is Bruce, i live in Hillsboro
Bruce - I have a small CNC that we can use on flat work
great that is all that I am looking for, the wood is 1/2"x4"x6" that i need the word DWELL with a little house on, can I stop by and look and talk about what i'm looking for?
thank you,
OK - we can arrange a time to get together. Think about the font and size for the text and look for a graphic of the house. I will send you a draft of the layout before hand and when we meet, we can cut it then.
does your CNC use Sketchup for an operating program? I have what i want on Sketchup
I think I can import a SketchUp file. Let's take this offline and continue with email.
Send me the file at
Northwest WoodturnersPO Box 1157Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Northwest Woodturners is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.