Hello all,
I have a newby question. I’ve been turning off and on for a couple of years now (more off then on)
“My Question “
I keep catching the edge of my bowl gouge and we all know what happens when you do that! It seems as I do really well and then Wam’ Bam’ Capow’ and then the cursing starts, usually after I clean the blood up!
I haven’t really been turning much at all this last year, my wife of 35 years passed away May 5th 2021, she was the one that bought me my Laguna lathe for my birthday in 2020. So I want to start turning more (she’d want me to bc I really like it) but every time I start to the flood of emotions come on.
so that’s me question today is why do I catch the edge? Am I holding it wrong? I know that’s a hard question to answer in an email. I’m planning on going to the open shop up at Daves next weekend, so I can get some help hopefully. Any ideas wood be appreciated. Thanks much, Clete