How does everyone finish/second turn their bowls ? Not how you finish (or what you use to finish), more looking for where finishing fits in your process of turning a bowl.
My process is outlined below, but I feel like it needs improvement:
1- faceplate blank, rough turn the bottom portion, turn a tenon
2- Reverse and place bowl in a chuck, flatten the top/rim of bowl
3- Rough out the interior (i.e. take out warpage from drying) to establish a diameter and give me an idea of what I have to work with on the outside of the bowl
4- turn the exterior to final exterior design
5- turn the interior to final interior design/thickness
6- sand (& sand & sand, etc.) exterior and interior
7- apply finish(es)
8- reverse bowl (using a jamb chuck, cole jaws, or vacuum) to remove the tenon, create the concave bottom, then sand and apply finish.
Maybe I just need to get better at turning off the tenon, it just seems like I get the tenon off, create the concave bottom which leads into turning off the area already sanded/finished. And it "snowballs downhill from here". In other words, as I do the sanding of this portion, I tend to move into previously finished area and with each grit move a little further up the bowl wall. Before I know it I've sanded the bottom and halfway up the outside of the bowl that I had already finished.
Is there a better way? Seems like I am removing progress/finish from previous step #7. Maybe I should only finish the interior and wait until after removing the tenon to complete exterior finish?
Hope this makes sense, it difficult to describe.
Appreciate your feedback!
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